Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ambiguities that make our lives difficult

One of the filthiest, bloodiest, loudest, most inconclusive and most controversial debate topic among intellectuals and pseudo intellectuals of the current populace is that of atheism vs theism. Quite a lot of resources are being wasted by people on this debate where both parties have neither good proof nor good citations for either.(A religious book which is supposed to be the work of god cannot be a viable source obviously)(also I’m such a hypocrite that I’m not citing any sources because I haven’t read anything) I’ll just say that both are theories and one must be sceptical about both of them.

But one thing that people don’t confirm before debating is the context of God. Meaning, what is the meaning that a debater attaches to the term God. For example, when Einstein talks about God, it’s in a completely different context to the God that the Pope is talking about. So, one must make that clear before one says anything else about the topic.

So, being the sceptic that I am, I think if there were a God, then, God isn’t a he or a she. God isn’t a person at all. It cannot be so. It would make no sense for God to create the entire universe that is so freaking huge, put an intelligent life form in a small corner of the universe (Darwin disagrees. We evolved) and also, take his form. Why isn’t God an alien, or the flying spaghetti monster?

Hence I love Hinduism. Sorry, Sanātana Dharma (Fuck you Foreign Invaders. Btw, it’s Sindhu not Hindu or Indus) It’s analogue to the Abrahamic ‘God’ is the Paramātma. Paramātma isn’t a person. What is it? Well, I can’t say because I’m a twenty year old boy who has a life and hence hasn’t read the upaniśad.

But wait, what about the Hindu Pantheon as it is called? How did that happen? Everyone knows Kŗșna and Rāma and others. There are many more, so how can one explain that. Mythological reasons are given in the scriptures, but why did this happen in the historical development of the religion? (Try to look at the religion as a computer software application)

I have a theory.

So let’s start at the beginning.

What are the most important scriptures in Sanātana dharma? The vedas. 

I’ve had a minimal glimpse of the vedas and the first three contain hymns of Gods and Goddesses. These deities are mainly associated with nature, for example, Agni the God of fire, Varua the God of water and so on. But, one cannot personify the elements. One simply cannot. Can a child look at a flame and conceive that flame to be a person? I highly doubt it. So how did these elements get personified?


One reason I hate Sanskrit and other Indo-European languages is because of the ‘genderization’ of every noun. Sanskrit, Hindi, French, Latin. It’s there in all these. So, if I associate a gender to an inanimate object, then over time, because the context is forgotten, that object gets implicitly personified by the language itself. Doesn’t it?

Whoa! So the composers of the vedas were trying to tell “Oh fire, you’re awesome” but it got interpreted later as “Oh fire lord, you’re awesome”. (not an actual verse in the vedas. Illustrative example only)

Well, obviously it’s a hypothesis. It can never be proven or unproven, so let’s just think about the hypothesis and admire the implications for a few minutes and go back to thinking about the actual legitimate research done by our Ph.D. holders in universities. I hope atheists and theists take a this stance. Neither can you neither prove nor disprove God. So stop debating about it and start thickening about Science and Spirituality and Art, the three things that make our lives better now, and also give us more answers than whatever you say.

Still, how I would love it if my hypothesis were true. Hey, don’t blame me for being sympathetic about the culture and religion I was born in.