Sunday, May 2, 2010


Time. Every human being on earth knows it, yet doesn't know what it is. What is Time? Any one has an answer?

When having my shower, I saw time. I saw her (yeah, not He contradicting the greek titan of Time Kronos), anyways; i saw her, but did not see her for one cant see Time, that would be foolish. But i could feel her presence. Her thought caused me to blog this article.

Time. It is one of the unanswered questions in science. What is Time? Wikipedia says "Time is part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify the motions of objects." But later the same article says, "but defining it[Time] in a non-controversial manner applicable to all fields of study has consistently eluded the greatest scholars."

Approximately 13.6 billion years ago, the universe was an infinitesimal point of infinite density and temperature. Then the big bang and then universe started, blah, blah......... We know that. Space and time came into existence after this event.

But why a big bang? Why a universe? Why is our universe in existence? Who is the father of Time? And her brothers Matter and Energy (yeah, i know it sounds weird). This my friends is more spookier than the question, "Are we alone?".

We have at sometime felt why we are in the world and have asked our parents why we are here and they blushed and might have told "God put you into my tummy...." and stuff like that :D. Similarly I ask why are we here. Is God the answer?

Does there really exist God who created the whole universe? "Let there be light" and the big bang happens. (Now that's cool. "Let there be Light" and a humongously large explosion. :D)

Or sometimes I feel this scenario. The Large Hardron Collider (yeah, the LHC) which makes miniature big bangs inside it. What if our universe is a result of such an experiment in an another universe? Wow a universe in another universe..

Well, lets hope we do find Time's father and lets hope it's not some nerd in another universe. Please let it be God or many people will be pissed including me.

Well, lets hope our civilization goes to such heights of prosperity so that the answer to these hair raising questions can be answered.

Till then remember, "Aham Brahmasmi" :)

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